Kamchatka (Marcelo Piñeyro, 2002)

Film: Kamchatka
Games: Operation, Risk, Scrabble, T.E.G, Dominoes, Backgammon, Sopa de letras, unidentied
T.E.G. (Plan Táctico y Estratégico de la Guerra) is an argentinian version of Risk which first appeared in 1976, just the year this movie is set in. The game is played on a couple of scenes by Harry (Matías del Pozo) and his father David (Ricardo Darín), who always win, and it has a very special meaning in the movie. Its title comes precisely from the game´s territory which Harry can´t take from David in their second play.
There is a very nostalgic scene where father and son stands at a toyshop window and we can see several board games, one of them T.E.G. However, it seems they own the game since earlier.
As a personal anecdote, I must say I first learned the name "Kamchatka" precisely from my fist plays to Risk many decades ago.
Scrabble, Operation, unidentifed game beneath Operation

Domino, Sopa de Letras (both made by Implás), Magia Ruibal in the middle (upside down)

Backgammon (at the right of T.E.G.); other unidentified games around T.E.G.

More unidentified games can be seen in the window
