Charlie's Angels (McG, 2000)

Film: Charlie's Angels
Game: Scrabble, Chinese Checkers, Clue, Fortune, Trivial Pursuit, unidentified
We see a Scrabble at Eric´s (Sam Rockwell) house when he is with Dylan (Drew Barrymore). He drops the game accidentally. We see it again later at another table. They seem to have been playing it.
A little later, in the scene where two young boys are playing a video-game and Dylan falls into their garden, we also see a chinese checkers board, what seems to be a 1998 Clue, a Fortune 500 and a Trivial Pursuit. There seems to be another games in the scene, but it´s hard to tell because it is very brief and filmed in large shots.

A Chinese checkers board on the upper right corner

Lower left corner: a 1998 Clue version and another unidentified game. Between the two boys: what seems to be a 1980 Fortune 500 edition, Trivial Pursuit and other unidentified games.
