On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Peter Hunt, 1969)

Film: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Games: Chess, Scrabble, 3D Tic Tac Toe, Solitaire, Qubic, unidentified.
Draco (Gabriele Ferzetti) is playing chess with Olympe (Virginia North) when James Bond (George Lazenby) enters in the room.
The girls are also playing several board games at the leisure room scene.

Draco and Virginia play chess

Lower, left of the image: chess pieces

Bond girls like board games!

This and next image: another chess set

Left: actress Julie Ege plays Solitaire; right of the image: 3D Tic Tac Toe

Left of Irma (Ilse Steppat): Scrabble and Fours (Qubic variant; see image below).
Probably more unidentified board games on the sideboard.
