Joey (Roland Emmerich, 1985)

Film: Joey (Making Contact)
In Joey's (Joshua Morrell) messy and full with objects room we can some board games.
There are also board games in the classroom scene.
See below!

The board game version of Pac-Man shows up from inside the drawer

Q-Bert on the floor, almost in the middle of the image

Q-Bert again at the right side

Donkey Kong, another video-game adapted to the board

In the longer, European cut, extra shots with the games can be seen

This and next image: Parker´s 1972 ed. of Spill and Spell can be seen on the shelves.
 The black boxes seem to be map puzzles

Pac-Man, Q-Bert and Donkey Kong can be seen at Joey's room throughout the
whole movie, sometimes in what clearly seem continuity errors

Q-Bert in the drawer, then in the corner (next image), but in the opposite wall in the previous image!
The games keep changing places in the same scene!
