The Queen (Stephen Frears, 2006)

Film: The Queen
It seems that raccord/continuity errors (or simply "goofs") are easy to catch when you watch carefully a movie, and that most of them concern the props: several board games can be seen at Tony Blair's (Michael Sheen) leisure room, but they change from one shot to another!
Top shelf, center. At the beginning of the scene we see
  Parker´s 1998 Pictionary Junior, but see the fourth image below...

The 1999 MB edition of Mouse Trap is clearly seen when Tony Blair (Michael Sheen)
 first starts talking with the Queen. The game´s lid is at his left...

After several shots of him and the Queen, he hangs up the phone and... the games
 have changed!
We now see Ker-Plunk and Downfall!

Pictionary is now Monopoly!, quite probably the
1993 Waddintong´s edition; bottom of the image, left, 1992 MB Ker-Plunk edition

Lower left corner: Ker-Plunk and 1999 MB Downfall
