The Final Countdown (Don Taylor, 1980)

Game: Squad Leader, Simon, unidentified
There is a recreation room in the carrier where most of this movie happens (the USS Nimitz) where sailors build model kits, read books and magazines and play board games. We see the room in several moments in the movie and we get to see Simon and Squad Leader (indeed one of the rare occasions in which a wargame is seen in a movie). There seems to be another games there, but they are difficult to identify.
On a different room, we also see a multigame board (see images).
Squad Leader board, rules and box

Pepsi was obviously a sponsor!

Simon box in the middle, below the orange box

Different shots of the recreation room. Could it be Monopoly on the lower right corner?

Multigame board like the one below (thanks to Enrique Blasco for identifying it!)
